Human & labour rights guidelines

​Political contribution policy

Ambu does not financially support political parties, political campaigns, candidates for political office, or a person acting in an official capacity of a political party, but may support third-party organizations that provide such support, for example regional, national or local industry associations or think tanks.

Ambu supports employees’ rights to engage personally in political activity. Employees should, however, use their own time and money for such activity, and must never use Ambu facilities or resources to support political candidates or parties. Employees must also never give the impression that Ambu supports or endorses any candidate, campaign or issue the employees are
personally involved in. Employees may establish political action groups that are funded solely through voluntary employee contributions.

Human & labour rights guidelines

Ambu respects the internationally recognized human rights of all people. We are committed to identifying and addressing any adverse impacts which may result from our own operations or business relationships. Ambu supports the principles contained within the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Labour Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. 

As a signatory to the UN Global Compact, we are committed to its ten principles. Our commitment to the labour and human rights principles are reflected in our Code of Conduct for employees and our Code of Conduct for Business Partners.

Ambu is committed to: 

  • Establish processes to identify, prevent, and mitigate potential and actual adverse human rights impacts that we may cause or contribute to by our direct operations, or that we may be contributing or linked to via our business activities with business partners
  • Remediate any adverse human right impact that Ambu causes or to which we contribute
  • Involve and engage experts for review of policies and procedures, and stakeholders in due diligence procedures and discussion of remediation
  • Maintain appropriate grievance mechanisms for our stakeholders to raise concerns
  • Use potential ability or leverage to influence other parties directly linked to our operations to cease activities that lead to adverse impacts on human rights, if we become aware of such impact
  • Communicate and account for our effort to protect and respect labour and human rights, including our actions against slavery and trafficking, in our annual Sustainability Report

A Human & Labour Rights policy covering topics like forced labour; child labour; health & safety; freedom of association and collective bargaining; working hours; benefits and wages; and harassment and discrimination has been developed for internal use and guidance. 

Read about our latest sustainability efforts

Download our annual report and find out more about our sustainability strategy and initiatives in the sustainability section.

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