ESG Portal

Sustainable growth

In order to progress in a responsible manner, economic growth must go hand-in-hand with protecting the climate and the environment. Other aspects of our social and governance policies must be considered as well.

We recognize our own role in balancing growth with environmental preservation, and that is why we have taken sustainability into account in our strategy, business processes and value chain.

Working with ESG 

On this page, you will find information about our Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) work in Ambu.

Identifying our ESG priorities

Our focus encompasses Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) issues that represent the sustainability impacts, risks and opportunities identified as material for Ambu. 

Through a Double Materiality Assessment (DMA), we have evaluated how Ambu's operations impact people and the environment as well as how sustainability considerations impact Ambu and its operations. 

Double Materiality Assessment

Based on the definition of Double Materiality in the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) and guidance material provided by EFRAG (European Financial Reporting Advisory Group), Ambu has defined a process for DMA, which includes an assessment of impact and financial materiality. 

The assessment takes into consideration the results of due diligence and risk management processes as well as value chain assessments. It includes the analysis of a wide range of sources, including ESG ratings and reporting frameworks, such as UNGC, UN SDGs, SASB, MSCI, Sustainalytics and CDP. 

The assessment also employs trend reports from the World Economic Forum Risk Report and the State of Green Business report, among others. It further considers topics identified in the ESRS as well as the EU Taxonomy.  

The conclusion of the assessment is comprised of a list of topics material to Environment, Social and Governance which, collectively, offer a clear picture of Ambu’s business, including our key impacts as well as strategic priorities aligned with financial materiality (risks & opportunities).

The results of our most recent Double Materiality Assessment can be found in our latest Annual Report

Disclosing our performance

As a C25 listed company, Ambu is subject to the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) requirements from financial year (FY) 2024/25 with the first CSRD compliant report to be published in November 2025. 

Through the information disclosed in the integrated Ambu Annual Report, we comply with all applicable rules and regulations related to ESG & sustainability disclosures. 

Explore our latest ESG & Sustainability disclosures: Reports in English (

Sustainability governance structure

To ensure top-level commitment as well as representation across lines of business, ESG & Sustainability is anchored in the Executive Leadership Team, headed by the CEO.  

ESG is anchored in the Finance Department and headed by the Senior Director of Sustainability, Risk & Compliance, who reports directly to the CFO. Sustainability-related issues that require the attention of the Board are presented, reviewed and approved as part of Board meetings.

Our internal quarterly reporting on ESG, which is shared across the organisation, ensures that our performance on ESG & sustainability-related indicators is reviewed and assessed regularly by the Executive Management and the Board of Directors. 

Stakeholder engagement

In our efforts to deliver world-class medical solutions and strong, profitable growth, we interact with many different stakeholder groups. Although these stakeholders represent different demands and agendas, we are committed to understanding their wants and needs in order to engage in meaningful collaborations and strong value creation.





Regulators & Authorities


Explore more about how we engage with our stakeholders in our latest Annual Report.
